Francisco Javier Tejedor (Professor of Education and Statistics at the University of Salamanca). Director of the Master program: "ICT in Education ". He is an expert in Educational Research Methodology.
Verónica Basilotta (Personal Researcher in Training . Scholarship from the Junta de Castilla y León, financed by the European Social Fund). PhD student working on her dissertation about Assessment and collaborative projects mediated by ICT in schools.
Marcos Cabezas (Assistant Professor. University of Salamanca). His interests revolve around ICT, teaching development and social learning.
Azucena Hernández (Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Student Mobility. University of Salamanca). She teaches in the degrees of Pedagogy and Social Education and in the PhD program: ́ICT in Education and teacher traininǵ
Sonia Casillas (Assistant Professor. University of Salamanca). She has specialized in Educational Innovation and ICT in Education. She currently lectures in the undergraduate degrees of Pedagogy and Primary Education.
Luis González (Associate Professor. University of Salamanca). Lecturer of the subjects: ICT in Education , School Organization, Teaching Training Online and Teacher development of new methods of teaching and learning.
Jorge Martín (Adjunct Professor. University College of Zamora, Spain) He is working in his dissertation about collaborative learning and ICT.
Carlos González (Researcher at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain). Research interests: ICT use in classroom, innovation processes and Web 2.0 and 3.0
Marta Martín (Personal Researcher in Training. Scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Spain). Her dissertation is about video games, collaborative learning and teacher training.
Ana Iglesias (Associate Professor in the School of Education and Tourism. Ávila, Spain). Research interests: Vocational Training and Language Education.
María Luisa García (Tenured lecturer. University of Salamanca). She has extensive experience in teacher Education and teacher training for both Early Childhood Education and Primary Education.
Dionisio de Castro (Tenured Lecturer. University of Salamanca) His expertise revolves around School Organization, school management , and civic education.